What is object oriented programming language? - ICSE Java Expert


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Monday, August 06, 2018

What is object oriented programming language?

Object Oriented Programming

In an object oriented programming language we have to create a class that will have data members and methods/functions. An object of the class is created to access these members of the class. Hence we have to deal with objects while making a program that is why it is called as Object Oriented Programming Language. The goal of Object Oriented Programming is to enforce re-usability.

There are four features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP):

  1. Data Abstraction
  2. Data Encapsulation
  3. Polymorphism
  4. Inheritance

What is Data Abstraction? 

The act of representing essential features and hiding background details is known as Data Abstraction.

What is Encapsulation? 

Wrapping up of data into a single unit is called as Encapsulation. 

What is Polymorphism:?

The ability to respond differently according to the different given condition is called as Polymorphism. Polymorphism is a Greek word poly means many and morphs means forms.

What is Inheritance?

Passing of characteristics from one generation (class) to another generation (class) is called as Inheritance.

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