Tokens in Java - ICSE Java Expert


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Monday, August 20, 2018

Tokens in Java


Types of Tokens in Java

  1. Keywords
  2. Identifiers / Variables
  3. Literals / Values
  4. Operators
  5. Separators/ Punctuators
Keywords: Keywords are reserved words that have special meaning for the compiler.
Example: class, int, public, float, new, for, if, switch etc.
The keywords of any programming language can not be used for naming any identifier.

Identifiers: Identifiers are the names given to a program or a part of the program.
The names given by the user to any variable or class or function are known as Identifiers.

Literals: Literals are constant values which are assigned to the identifiers.
In simple language it can be said that literals are the values that can be stored in any variable.

Operators: Operators are special symbols that operate on operands and give some result.

Example: int age = 15; 

In the above example 
int is a keyword (data type) 
age is an identifier i.e. name given to a variable
= is an operator (assignment operator)
15 is a literal (integer literal)

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